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BPC 157 

Body Protection Compound

Injury and Tissue Healing - Joint Health / Arthritis - Gut Healing and Repair


The big three reasons most people commonly take BPC-157 are for injury and tissue healing, joint health, and gut health. It has many other implications but they have less scientific evidence and studies behind them. Still, you will find positive reviews for many conditions littered on the internet. I”m going to focus more on where the science is and the best reviews. 


Regarding healing, BPC-157 promotes wound repair, tissue and injury healing, and cellular regrowth. It’s attracted to areas of injured tissues and boosts growth hormone receptors in those tissues, which increases collagen production and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. So it improves healing, speeds up recovery time, and allows patients to make a more complete recovery from their injuries or wounds. 


The aforementioned repairing and healing of soft tissue structures such as muscles, ligaments, and tendons can help stabilize joints and thus promote joint health. Soft tissue healing can be impaired naturally through corticosteroids and overtime with just aging. BPC-157 can reverse this impairment, allowing for improved joint function and less pain. 


BPC-157 is naturally found in the digestive juices of our stomachs and has been shown to treat many digestive conditions. It can help heal ulcers and damage to the stomach and intestines. Including those caused by overuse of NSAIDs like Motrin, Advil, Naproxen, and other Ibuprofen alternatives. It’s also been shown to improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), leaky gut, ulcerative colitis, and other stomach disorders. 


Here is a list of things most people have claimed that BPC-157 has been helpful for:

  • Arthritis 

  • Toxicity and side effects of NSAIDs

  • Gastric Ulcers

  • Alcohol Intoxication/toxicity

  • Inflammation and pain

  • Diabetic skin wounds

  • Wound healing

  • Sports injuries 


Here’s the takeaway. BPC-157 is a peptide that has been reported to have unique regenerative properties, from reducing inflammation to protecting organs from damage to healing tendons, wounds, and the intestinal system. 




Dosing BPC 157 is not regulated by the FDA, as with most peptides, and can be different for EVERYONE. Be sure to always and only get peptides from healthcare providers by prescription from reputable compounding pharmacies, which are what I use. Don't be scammed by cheap alternatives on the internet that could be vials of just normal saline or sugar pills. If it seems "too good to be true" then it probably is!


In general, oral (capsule) dosing is good for stomach and intestinal problems as it can work directly on the target area. For other conditions, it can still work but injections have always been preferred. At this time injections are no longer available at any of my compounding pharmacies and I will update this if that changes. 


For a sample plan, you may consider 


BPC-157 capsules (500mg) once daily for 30 days 

30 days = $280.00 â€‹


60 days = $504.00


INJECTIONs are no longer available.


Consultation with me is free. Barbara Grubbs, NP. I’m happy to discuss this with you. It’s an expensive therapy but many people find it worth it. 


Reviews of
BPC-157 found online


“I’ve read the reviews and have been skeptical. I don’t know anything about injecting to heal muscles. I do think it is helping. I’m experiencing tennis elbow and have noticed that the pain isn’t as bad as before. The price is outrageous, of course.”

Fred Blasch


“Before I get into my review, I need to tell you something about myself. I have grade 4 arthritis in my ac join and shoulder along with bone spurs. I was not expecting any miracles. I must say a lot of the pain has subsided. My range of motion has not improved but I can work out without too much discomfort. I will continue using BPC-157. I hope to avoid shoulder replacement for as long as I can. “

Patrick Arena


“So far so good. Been at it for about 2 months and feeling better daily.”



“Rivals PRP injections for the healing of connective tissue injuries! The results of this rival Platelet Rich Plasma injections at $900-$1200 a pop. I’ve had 3 bad rotator cuff injuries, (labral tear, and supraspinatus avulsion, and torn triceps). I highly recommend at least one month.”

Zackery West


“I am on week 7 after rotator cuff repair. The PT therapist asked me how I was healing so fast. .. Said i am way ahead of where I should be! Thank you BPC-157. About to order again..”

Kevin Saxton


“Amazing healing. This is a gift of healing. I recommend it to all at the post office. We the walking injured.”

Misty Leal


“I tend to get hoarseness from pollution and that is very annoying as I speak for a living. So, I wanted to try this to help with healing. After 3 weeks i noticed some voice improvement, but then something really surprising and odd! I have been lifting for many decades and I used to do very heavy squats. Over the last couple of years, I didn’t really notice it, but pain, stiffness, and range of motion in my knees got worse. I would have to be conscious of walking downstairs for instance because the pain and slowness could trip me up. However, after the three weeks of BCP-157, the pain was gone in my knees. I could not believe this and now I feel the energy and flexibility in my legs again. It’s great and my cardio at the gym has improved because my legs are free of discomfort.


What is significant about this is that if you buy a product that you are hoping works, and it does, that could be due to a psychological effect where you believe you won, even if you lost. That’s called Cognitive Dissonance. In my case, I did not want or expect it to, and yet it helped my fitness and pain levels in ways I didn’t even know I needed. For me, that says the product is excellent and doing positive things in your body you may not even know you need help with.”

Dave G.







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